Sunday 13 November 2011

Vase of wonder !

This crazy vase by Carla Peters is covered in lots and lots of little

Ceramic trinkets, made in Thailand for Dutch company Wonderable, there is something about the sheer quantity of fun going on here on this vase that reminds me of being enchanted by intensely detailed pictures when I was a child - and of spending hour after hour

poring over illustrations in my ladybird books discovering new things in the same picture I had never noticed before, I recently felt this sensation when spending a long time enjoying a huge Grayson Perry etching and thanks to our new vase this is pleasure I am rediscovering once more again!


  1. This is such a WONDERFUL vase! It makes me think of the little ceramic ornaments they used to give away in boxes of tea when I was little. Delightful!

  2. Rob Ryan, I cannot find an email address to send you cringey fan mail to. But I thought I should let you know that your artwork is keeping me sane! Especially this evening when the disappearance of a toaster from the kitchen caused a minor breakdown. You have also got me back in to creating paper based art the point that I am wishing that I would've stuck with it rather than an English degree. Your words are magic and I go in to a nicer world whenever I read them, thank you for being GOOD! Poppy
